Thad Claggett

For Ohio State Representative


The Conservative Case for Claggett

Thad Claggett is a proven conservative who lives our community values every day.  
The politicians in Columbus ignored our local GOP regarding this seat and made their choice. Now let’s make ours.


Support President Trump
Thad Claggett strongly supports the reelection of President Trump because he is rebuilding our economy and draining the Washington, D.C. swamp.  

100% Pro Life
Thad Claggett supports the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.  He can be trusted to support the Heartbeat law against liberal lawsuits.

Second Amendment
Thad Claggett supports the Second Amendment. In fact, he lives it.

Thad Claggett supports low taxes because property and freedom are inseparable. He can be trusted to vote against tax increases in the state legislature.

Thad Claggett supports reduced regulation.  As a businessman, Claggett knows how the frivolous government regulations empower politicians and hurt Ohio’s economic competitiveness.

Government Spending
Claggett supports reduced government spending.  As a long term businessman, he  knows how to meet a budget in all economic cycles. 

Claggett supports state and local control of education.  He opposes federal bureaucrats telling us who should use which bathroom.   

Claggett supports a true “all of the above” energy strategy—as long as it is free market.


In 2016 Newark City Councilman Fraizer voted to raise our taxes. When the voters defeated his tax increase at the polls, he lied about supporting the tax increase on Facebook.

Fraizer did oppose one plan to raise our taxes because it did not include a simultaneous property tax increase.  In other words, he opposed it because it did not raise taxes enough.

Pay Raise
In 2017 Fraizier voted himself an 11% pay raise.  

 Community Values
In 2016 Frazier voted to award special rights to LGBTQ.

In 2017 Fraizer voted with PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and against the Heath Moundbuilders Kiwanis Club when they retained a licensed circus to serve as their largest annual fundraiser.

In 2017 Fraizer argued against free speechby accusing a person with a differing point of view as committing libel.

In 2019 Fraizer became the handpicked “Yes Man” of the Columbus political swampwhen he was appointed state representative without Licking County Republican Party support.


Thank you to the Ohio ivoter Guide for recognizing what so many others are recognizing – Thad Claggett is the only conservative choice in the 71st district. Tell your friends by sharing this post.

And the send us a message saying you want a Claggett for Ohio yard sign.

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